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Future of payments? Phone will set the tone

Future of payments? Phone will set the tone

Consumers have grown accustomed to real-time experiences in their everyday lives — making connections, downloading music, managing travel. In this fast-paced reality where information needs are often satisfied instantaneously, consumers now demand the same immediacy...

8 FAQs about EMV credit cards

8 FAQs about EMV credit cards

Chip? PIN? Signature? Do old cards work? Answers to frequently asked questions It’s now been a year and a half since the nationwide shift to EMV officially began. EMV -- which stands for Europay, Mastercard and Visa -- is a global standard for cards equipped with...

EMV Credit Cards

EMV Credit Cards

1. What is EMV? EMV is an abbreviation for Europay, Mastercard and Visa, the three organizations that developed the initial specifications. EMV is an open-standard set of specifications for smart card payments and acceptance devices. The EMV specifications were...

Guide to Safe Payments

Guide to Safe Payments

Understanding your risk As a small business, you are a prime target for data thieves. When your payment card data is breached, the fallout can strike quickly. Your customers lose trust in your ability to protect their personal information. They take their business...