About Us We specialize in High Risk Merchant Services. The one thing that really sets us apart is our overall communication and our ability to move applications through to approval. Oftentimes high risk merchant service applications stall in the underwriting process and other companies don’t seem to follow up. We get lots of calls in our office asking for help, but due to circumstances of high risk merchant accounts, we often cannot help them because they are locked in with their original sales agent. The communication is appreciated by the merchants we work with but it is especially appreciated by our sales agent. Because High Risk accounts can take longer than average to get to the approval stage, many agents are anxious that nothing is happening. We walk through the whole process with the merchant and the sales agent. When the merchant is boarded onto our platform, all parties feel as if they have received ample communication and have understood all of the steps along the way. We partner with sales agents looking for ways to help merchants their primary cannot or with agents who are looking to build the high risk portion of their portfolio.